Whats crackin up there at the pearly gates? Man where do start? I came down to Missouri to hang out with my mom and Robert and ended up makin an awesome friend in you. Remember the night that we where all in my Blazer outside the garage. We where messin around on the CB radio telling the truckers we had chrome license plate bumper covers and shit and then we where talkin shit to the cops on their channel. That was hillarious!!! Or the night we got all shity drinkin Stones in the garage and Robert took a swing at me and fell on his ass! LOL!!! Robert and I where tralkin about the night that we all went camping in Arkansas at that creek and you punched that crackhead that wouldnt leave us alone right in his nose. Dude we had some fun!!! And we also had some good talks with eachother in that garage bonging beers. I had hoped that maybe I had helped you out with some of the things that you were having trouble with at the time whether I did or not I dont know. But what I do know is in that year I hung out with all you guys you all touched my life and I only hope that I touched yours as well. I know that my mother and my brother loved and cared for you so much and getting to know you I was soon to feel the same as them. I want to give all the love and condolences I have to your family and friends and tell you one last time "dont sweat the small stuff" I love you bro!!!
I remember when you and I sat at the same table in Language class our sophmore year...You used to get me in soooooo much trouble from laughing at you all the time and talking. The kid that sat behind me you would make fun of but it was so funny that even he laughed sometimes..other times you got him sooo worked up that it was even funnier...anyways..man.. that teacher hated us..she was always either yelling at our table or just you :) I always looked forward to going to that class...you touched so many lives while you were here and will always be greatly remembered and all your memories will always be talked about and never forgotten..RIP Dylan...
Ohhhh where to start. Dylan was a wild one. I remeber him always smarting off to teachers, saying what everyone else wanted to say. He was soooo funny. I don't know how he came up with some of the things he said. In junior high he picked on me alot. Once a week we would get chik-fillet sandwiches that I LOVED. One day Dylan sat on mine and said he farted on it. I freaked out and we both got sent to the principal. Anyways, when i think of that now, I will always smile.
I knew you too long, almost my whole life, to pick one memory.You always had a new trick to pull on me.We were always laughing.You were my friend through it all. Who's gonna eat all my leftovers now? The kids will always remember "Jimmy" was their friend too. They miss you as much as Jesse and I do. Thanks for all the laughs.
Never forget the time you put anbesol in someones drink at work. They told on you you got mad and said f**k this place. And walked out of work cussing that person. You came back and got your job the very next week.